Rooted Masks

by David Miller
Rooted Masks
David Miller
Digital Art - Digital Creation
A young girl appears with a tree growing from her head, entwining her expression with a surreal, haunting face. The branches extend outwards, suggesting a connection between nature and human consciousness.
This piece grew out of the idea that identity isn’t singular—it's layers of memory, masks we wear, and roots that anchor us to the past. The tree symbolizes growth and history, branching through time, while the mask represents the faces we present to the world. Her expression is quiet, almost fragile, but there’s strength in the way she bears the weight of it all.
The cracks on her face aren't flaws; they’re reminders of resilience, of something broken but still standing. Sometimes, I wonder how much of our identity is truly ours and how much we inherit from the stories, scars, and shadows of others.
December 16th, 2024
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